Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Get garden ready for Spring planting full of Organic Matter

Then do not look to far just do what we recommend and start enjoying the most bountiful Harvest you have ever gotten next Summer and Fall!

Grass clippings are a great source of organic matter. Throughout the Spring and Summer they can be used in the middle of the rows and around plants to keep weeds from getting a foothold. My father had us do this in our own garden but we just wanted to keep the weeds down and let’s face it who likes to WEED?
The grass clippings will also keep moisture evaporation down to a minimum. If these are SumaGreen Turf grass clippings the breakdown of the clippings will be a little faster. The grass being so finely chopped, the clippings disappear completely into the soil by Fall. Later in the season you may have a surplus of grass clippings on your hands. Spread them over the empty spaces in your garden or flowerbed and till them under into the soil.

Ashes from a fireplace or fire pit make great fertilizer for flowers and vegetables because of its high phosphorus and potash numbers. Do not use them around acid-loving plants for they make the ground "sweeter."

For those living in the country and have chickens, the old bedding makes an excellent soil builder. It's true, the sawdust or wood shavings lock up the nitrogen until the decomposing process is completed; but the high level of nitrogen present in the chicken litter balances this out. If you have been using the SumaGreen Ag in your garden this will break down the chicken litter a lot faster and go easy on the sawdust to make sure it is not clumped into one spot.

There are some things I did not mention, like cow manure and composting. I think everyone is fairly aware of the tremendous benefit they are to the soil. The downside is the smell and being manure not so many people like spreading it around. When using the SumaGreen Ag in you garden there is no need for the manure. There are however, some things that should NOT be put into the garden or flowerbed. Such things as dog and cat manure. The pathogen and parasite levels tend to be very high. The presence of tapeworm, roundworm, and hookworm larva make it risky business to use these as a soil builder.

For those making your own compost piles from leaves be careful as some leaves are harmful to gardens. Leaves of the black walnut and butternut trees should be avoided if possible because of tree-produced toxins. This all goes back to people saying that SumaGreen is a type of compost. True to a point but we manufacture our microbes to make sure you ONLY get all the GOOD microbes needed for growing crops / grass. Compost piles tend to have some good and some bad microbes. This is why your garden may get good results one year and bad results another year. Where with SumaGreen products you will always get that bountiful garden year after year.

Remember get your SumaGreen on that garden at seeding time, treat the garden again 4-5 weeks later, and then ENJOY the best tasting apples, oranges, pears, tomatoes, corn, soy beans, collared greens, pumpkins, watermelons, and even have the most beautiful flowers as well.
Go to our SumaGreen facebook page and see some other results and what everyone has to say.

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