Thursday, September 11, 2014

GMO's are takin over our food supply. Do you know what you are actually eating?

GMO Foods? Do you know what they are? Do you realize that even though you are eating so-called healthy foods you may be eating foods that are harmful to your own body or your child's body?

A lead scientist named Don Huber (ex-professor from Purdue University) released his finding on GMO foods, six months later he was dismissed from Purdue.

Here is a website for you to go to so that you can learn more about GMO's and see how you can tell if the food you are eating has GMO's in them.

The future is NOW with our SumaGrow technology and the question you should be asking your local supermarket or farmer's market grower's is "Are you using SumaGreen?" "Has your farmer tried our SumaGrow technology?"